You Might be an Enneagram Type 1


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Here, we share the Wild Human way to recognize a Type One:

  • You might often find yourself in a state of tension, yearning to better the world around you, imagining an ideal realm where everyone plays their part.
  • The pillars of excellence, honor, and precision hold a special place in your heart. The sight of errors often compels you to step in and set things right.
  • Rather than wearing your anger and frustration on your sleeve, you bear it within, feeling it as bodily tension – in your shoulders, clenched jaw, or rigid posture.
  • Words like “should,” “correctly,” and “properly” frequently find their way into your vocabulary.
  • You’re on a quest for the right way to do things, always open to trying a better approach, but your compass generally points to the path of correctness.
  • Your inner critic, always whispering, can sometimes surface as criticism of others. Yet, this external criticism is but a fraction of the relentless self-evaluation you engage in daily.
  • Self-improvement is your forte; you constantly seek to refine and evolve.
  • Upholding the rules is your mantra, although you frequently inspect these rules against your own inner wisdom to ensure their relevance. Should they fall short, you willingly submit to your superior set of rules.
  • Your consciousness extends to your impact on the world, and you handle it with care.
  • In your pursuit of what’s right, you might occasionally become unyielding, seeing it as your contribution to a better world, even though it might occasionally ruffle the feathers of those around you.

Here is a brief somatic practice for Type 1 – The Strict Perfectionist:

Step 1: Find a quiet and comfortable space. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and close your eyes. Take a deep breath in through your nose and slowly exhale through your mouth, letting go of any tension in your body.

Step 2: Pay attention to your body, especially your jaw and shoulders. Notice if you are holding any unnecessary tension. Take a moment to consciously release this tension, allowing your body to relax.

Step 3: Focus on your breath and practice self-compassion. Inhale deeply, imagining you are breathing in peace and self-acceptance. Exhale slowly, releasing any self-criticism. Repeat this for a few minutes, allowing a sense of ease to wash over you.