Ladder To The Future

Ladder To The Future

There is one consistent theme with most people as they face change. They are terrified because the change feels too big. The Ladder to the Future process was created by our Founder, Courtney Feider, to help her executive clients create a big and bold vision, and take change one “rung” at a time, establishing a connection to what they really want while moving their mindset, and steadily seeing change happen, free from fear.

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Work On Your Mindset

Work On Your Mindset

Most people operate in a mindset that begins with a problem, moves to fear about the problem, and then a reaction occurs in response to the problem. This mindset always returns to the problem. There is another mindset, based in growth and opportunity, which helps you move through life with more balance and peace. This simple guide takes you through these mindsets and offers a visual which you can return to anytime you need a reminder.

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Indigenous tradition offers practices and rituals to move through struggles and celebrate milestones. In modern society, we have lost much of the rhythm and structure that goes with these practices and the handing down of these practices to younger people in our communities and families.  The Meditations of These Wild Humans are practices created from a blend of elements sourced from different countries, shamanic customs, and cultures.  We hope you enjoy the practice.

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Practical Resilience

Practical Resilience

Many of us attribute terms like PTSD, grief, trauma, depression and suffering to people who have been through a very specific life experience. There are many shades of grief, and many types of microaggression and trauma which add layers of complexity and difficulty to each of our lives. When we get lost in the swirl, and we must find our way out to move on. This simple guide helps you learn practical resilience.

Is it true that adverse childhood events, adult trauma and repeating trauma can construct cycles in our neurological systems? YES.

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